Kiwi Polemicist

July 19, 2009

• Update: Sweden wants to outlaw homeschooling done for religious and philosophical reasons

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• This is an update to my post titled Sweden wants to outlaw homeschooling done for religious and philosophical reasons. This is an important issue, so please have a look at that post.

When I wrote the earlier post I wanted to read the text of the proposed law but was unable to find a way to translate the PDFs. Now HEF has an email from Rohus, the Swedish homeschooling organisation, which says in part

The actual proposed law reads like this:

Chapter 22 (my translation):

A school-aged child can be allowed to fulfill the school obligation in other ways than what is stated in this law. Permission shall be given if…
1) the operation appears to be a fully satisfactory alternative to the education otherwise available to the child according to what is prescribed in this law.
2) insight into the operation [by the authorities] is provided, and
3) there are extraordinary circumstances

Permission according to §18 can be given for up to one year at a time. During this time it shall be tried how the operation turns out. Permission shall immediately be withdrawn if it can be assumed that the prerequisites according to §18 no longer exits. A decision about withdrawal of permission takes effect immediately unless other decisions are made.

In the preparatory text, the possible acceptable “extraordinary circumstances” are: geographical difficulties, special medical care or a short term stay for foreign families in Sweden.

That’s crystal clear: the Swedish government wants to make homeschooling illegal for Swedish families unless there are geographical difficulties or special medical reasons. Even this will only be allowed if the state authorities believe that the education given is “fully satisfactory” (by their definition, presumably), and if it’s not permission will be withdrawn immediately. It sounds like there’s no appeal and the state thugs will immediately force the children into state schools. Note the use of the word “permission”, which clearly shows that the state considers children to be its dominion or property*. Parents should not need the permission of the state if they wish to homeschool, because their children are their dominion.

As I said in my earlier post, this is Socialism/Marxism with the gloves off, showing it’s true totalitarian arrogance.

Will we see a lot of Swedish homeschool families moving to remote areas?

What do you think about this proposed law?


Related posts:

Paula Bennett claims ownership of all New Zealand children

A biblical perspective on home schooling and state schooling

The problem with democracy – Part One (Democracy brings in immoral rulers who make this type of law)

*New Zealand is just as evil, requiring parents to get permission for homeschooling and sending state assessors enforcers into homes to check that the standard of education meets the standards required by the state. This is the same state that runs an education system that produces functionally illiterate teenagers who (I presume) stop counting at 20 because they run out of fingers and toes (males have an advantage and can go all the way to 21).


April 1, 2009

• Don’t forget to claim your refund on charitable donations

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kiwi Polemicist @ 12:52 pm

You can claim back a third of what you’ve donated to charities, and now there’s effectively no limit to how much you can claim unless you’re in the Serious Philanthropist category. See the IRD website for more details.

You don’t have to be a Serious Philanthropist to use my tips jar, but you won’t be able to claim a refund on what you donate 🙂


March 28, 2009

• Helen Clark gets UN job

The comments button is at the bottom right of this post.

Herr Helen has got the job and will now be the head of the UN Development Programme. This is from the UNDP website:

UNDP is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life.

We are on the ground in 166 countries, supporting their own solutions to development challenges and developing national and local capacities that will help them achieve human development and the Millennium Development Goals. Our work is concentrated on four main focus areas:

* Democratic Governance
* Poverty Reduction and Achievement of the MDGs [Millenium Development Goals]
* Crisis Prevention and Recovery
* Environment and Energy for Sustainable Development

As I said in my earlier post, Helen doesn’t know the first thing about democratic governance so she is clearly unqualified for the job.

The UNDP is in for a real shock, because they have no idea what Helen looks like. Here’s a screen shot from their website

undp-screenshot-28-3-09If a picture says a thousand words then this photo is a thousand-word lie. It’s her 2005 campaign photo, which in an earlier post I compared with the real thing.

Mind you, it’s closer to the truth than the 2008 campaign photo.

I’m sure that Helen will be in hog heaven at the UN, with a bottomless taxpayer-funded trough to feed from an ivory tower to proclaim to the proletariat from.

A highly placed source has sent me a copy of what will be Helen’s first press release as head of the UNDP:

“If the peasants cannot eat bread then let them eat cake”.

What do you think about Helen getting this job and using fake photos?


March 26, 2009

• Big Brother using planes to spy on UK citizens

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The Daily Mail is reporting that the Broadland District Council hired a plane for five days to find out which houses were “wasting” energy.

The plane had thermal imaging equipment, and those houses which showed up as leaking a lot of heat received a visit from council officers. How long before the visits switch from so-called education to enforcement?

Then there’s this quote from a council officer:

‘We were also able to look at very cold properties and think we might have picked up people on low incomes who are not heating their homes because they cannot afford to.’

So they’re already going beyond environmental issues and into social issues. Will they send a social worker to knock on the door of these cold houses and prosecute people for not keeping their children warm? Such actions by the nanny state are probably legally feasible right now.

There’s no mention of how much CO2 the plane generated.

Much evil is done under the banner of environmentalism.

Related posts:

Turn *on* all your lights during Earth Hour

The Emissions Trading Scheme: global Socialism

Pure evil: social workers give children to gay couple for adoption despite wishes of grandparents

What do you think about the Broadland District Council measuring heat loss from houses?


February 13, 2009

• On my other blogs this week…

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kiwi Polemicist @ 9:20 am

The comments button is at the bottom right of this post.

Christian nurse suspended for offering prayer to patient
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