Kiwi Polemicist

December 1, 2008

Tony Veitch should not be prosecuted for assaulting his ex-partner

Here’s a brief recap of the Tony Veitch story to refresh your memory:

  • Veitch, a sports broadcaster, assaulted his former partner Kristin Dunne-Powell in 2006 and fractured four of her vertebrae. They kept things quiet and said that she had fallen down the stairs
  • eighteen months later Dunne-Powell made an informal approach to police
  • she demanded and received approximately $150,000 compensation on condition of secrecy
  • at about the same time an anonymous source spoke to the media and the story went public
  • Dunne-Powell then made a formal complaint to police and Veitch was charged, but it is expected that he will have to wait two years before his case goes to court

Veitch should not be prosecuted: he has made full compensation and therefore whatever flimsy excuse the state had for involvement is gone. I also believe that Dunne-Powell breached their contract by laying a formal complaint and therefore owes compensation to Veitch. Allow me to explain.

If you are walking along the street and I come up to you and punch you in the nose who have I offended? That’s right, you. Why then should the state get involved in this private matter? I have violated your personal rights and therefore I should make restitution to you; once I have done so a full and final settlement has been made and the matter is closed.

What happens under a statist (so-called) justice system is a travesty: in this case I would be prosecuted by the state – which is poking its nose into a private affair – and you would probably get nothing by way of recompense. The state might even fine me and thereby profit twice: once from your taxes, and once from my fine. Both of us want closure on the matter, but the state faffs around for a couple of years before running a trial.

Furthermore, money from other taxpayers is also used during the prosecution and punishment process, so the state is effectively requiring all citizens to punish me for what I have done to you: this is the socialisation of justice.

Veitch did the wrong thing by assaulting Dunne-Powell, then did the right thing by making restitution. The restitution is of far more use to Dunne-Powell than anything the state can provide, and far quicker. There the matter should end: injustice occurs between individuals, and this is the individualisation of justice.

What do you think about Veitch being prosecuted after having made restitution?

Click here for a biblical perspective on the Veitch case

Click here to read John Roughan’s view of the Veitch case

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