Kiwi Polemicist

March 28, 2009

• Government dropping DPB work rule

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The National government had planned to get beneficiaries (welfare recipients) on the Domestic Purposes Benefit to work part time when their youngest child turned six. In earlier posts I said that this idea would backfire and it placed homeschooling beneficiaries in grave danger of having to send their children to the state brainwashing camps called state schools.

Now the government has dropped the plan, for a daft reason:

…yesterday Social Development Minister Paula Bennett confirmed it was on the backburner because people were being made redundant and jobs were in short supply.

I believe that this is a good move, for two reasons:

  • as I said in my earlier post, beneficiaries would have just had more children to to avoid the work rule, resulting in more fatherless children, more life-long problems for those children, more crime, more costs for taxpayers, and more multigenerational welfare dependency
  • those beneficiaries who wish to homeschool will be free to do so. Not only will those children be free of state indoctrination, but it is reasonable to assume that the sort of parents willing to do the hard yards of homeschooling are less likely to raise future beneficiaries

Why do I agree with this move when I believe that the state should not provide welfare? Because the DPB work rule would have simply increased the number of people dependent on welfare: dropping the rule is the lesser of the evils.

Related posts:

Paula Bennett claims ownership of all New Zealand children

A biblical perspective on home schooling and state schooling

What do you think about the dropping of the work rule?


November 19, 2008

Plans to get solo parents to work will backfire

The government has plans to get solo parents to work part time when their children reach school age.

The Domestic Purposes Benefit gives welfare payments to solo parents, and encourages women to get pregnant because babies mean money. To put it another way, the Socialist/Marxist welfare system has turned children into meal tickets/commodities. This has also led to social breakdown because the system favours solo parents and thus many children are raised without fathers.

National’s solution is to get solo parents to work part time when their children reach school age (will they allow solo parents to home school? I have emailed Paula Bennett about this).

However, this plan will backfire. Imagine the scenario: a solo mother with three children by three different fathers finds that her youngest has reached the age of four and realises that the government will expect her to find a job next year. She doesn’t like the idea of working – indeed, she may have never worked – so she looks for a solution to her problem. The solution is obvious: get pregnant, which means more money and no work requirement.

This short sighted policy will result in more children being raised without fathers, more anti-social and criminal behaviour from children who have been raised without fathers, more destruction of our social structure, and higher costs to taxpayers in both welfare and justice.

Obviously common sense is not a job requirement for those who write governmental policies.

What do you think the policy of requiring beneficiaries to find work once their children reach school age?

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